The Geopolitics in Conflict Show Community
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This community is all about providing in-depth information along with our objective, unbiased, and unfiltered analysis. we tackle the most complex global issues of the day. We simplify these complex issues in a simple language that you can understand and make sense of. Some of the topics we tackle range from Global Trade and Economics to Geopolitics and Energy.
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October 03, 2024

IS Japan's defence spending just a complete waste of money?

Let's be honest, if USA is not capable of defending against China's DF41, what chance Japan has?

China's most advanced Mach 25 (31,425 km/h; 19,625 mph; 8,660 m/s) DF-41 ICBM has a range of up to 12,000–15,000km (7,460-9,320 miles) and is capable of carrying ten conventional or twelve MIRV (multiple independently targetable re-entry vehicles) warheads with 8 x 250 kt or 10 x 150 kt MIRVs of payloads.
When fired fiom chosen launching locations (Silo, road-mobile Transporter erector launcher, rail-mobile) these missiles can reach and destroy most major cities in USA, in less than 20 minutes, with 150meters target accuracy.

Df 41 can hit Tokyo in less than 7 minutes, one DF 41 can comletely destroy all Japan major cities and targets in one go.

Advice to Japan: stop wasting your tax payer money on military build up; better spend them for the benefit of your citizens.

Negotiate and sign a peace treaty with China, this is better than any American Pie in the Sky.

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Chapter 8: Foreign & Military Policy

This class was taught LIVE on November 8, 2023, at 06:00 PM CT (-6GMT)

The Hidden Machinery: America's Foreign & Military Affairs Exposed.
Steel yourself for an unflinching deep dive into the clandestine mechanics of US foreign and military policy. Have you ever pondered how decisions that impact millions, both domestically and globally, are truly made?

In this electrifying chapter, we tear apart the polished façade of diplomacy to reveal the shadowy interplay of interests, agendas, and power games that shape America's moves on the global chessboard.

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Chapter 7: The Media

Media Manipulation: The Silent Puppeteer of the American Psyche.

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October 04, 2024

In the latest Container Port Performance Index (for 2023 ) report published by the World Bank. China's Yangshan Port top the list; Port of New York and New Jersey, the U.S. East Coast's largest port, ranked 92nd, while the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, the nation's largest container import gateway, ranked 375th and 373rd respectively.

How the US plans to improve its Seaport productivity?

  • Gave the Port Workers a 67% pay rsie.
  • No more or minimum automation.

Almost forget to mention: bar the use of Chinese-manufactured cranes in US ports.

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October 04, 2024

Despite $4 billion US military spent, Houthis continue to boss the US in the red sea.

(Not only losing money, USA is losing credibility too.)

October 03, 2024

Our backside hurts for sitting and watching gaza gencide for too long, so we decided to::

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